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>>[188](/thread/rebellion#188) >>[34](/thread/rebellion#34) > Mmm, I see what you mean. Perhaps a better sentiment would be to become "some people" with power, rather than "some person" with power. I dont think limiting your search for allies to just where you live makes sense. However paying attention to where you live is surely some kind of solarpunk virtue. Building networks and connections is tricky. We're essentially bulding parallel societies from scratch. That takes time, people, resources, and lots of effort to get off the ground. Once it's in the air though, it gains momentum on its own. This atomized world we live in has made us forget how to mostly, but we're well on our way to getting there. Solarchan and the growing number of people in solarpunk is a strong indicator we're headed in that direction as a grass-roots (heh) movement. I wish you the best in fostering some networks of your own treenonymous!
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