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New threadhow do you guys feel about the offgrid movement? i think trying to be self sustaining is good, but a lot of off grid people tend to be super conservative religious people for some reason
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> a lot of off grid people tend to be super conservative religious people for some reason
I guess this must be an American phenomenon; here in Europe the back-to-the land types are all (left) anarchists and hippies.
> But you will likely be sharing the community with non solarpunk wingnuts?
The single most important thing for a community is that it's members get along. If you want to be in a community with like-minded people, you have to seek them out and start your own community.
i haven't been updating myself on these events, what's up with the off-grid movement? can i get some context like what's been going on so far? on top of that are there any sites/forums/communities that discuss such movement like for example https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/? i find these things really fascinating, thinking of getting a solar panel or making a relatively tiny wind turbine and maybe charge my powerbank or some mobile devices
You can get along with non solarpunk wingnuts?
When did you last get out into nature?
This thread is also for images of natural beauty :)
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Gah, no image uploads!
Any idea of how long until they're back?
Not yet, we're still getting spammed regularly.
Anyone have suggestions for how to deal with it?
just stfu delete it like every other chan admin
cp botspam hits all open forums
Merry Christmas to Solarpunks everywhere!
Here's to a more equal, just and sustainable 2023 xXx
>Open source this code!
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nice board, i appreciate the minimalism
it sounds like you need a better admin panel
you may be able to get a some kind of spam blocklis https://www.stopforumspam.com/ is one i use that works pretty good
the official board http://lapchan.moe is quite comfy also
notice they have a board called http://lapchan.moe/as "anti spam" board
spammers will generally go to the alphabetically first board on a chan
you can probably write a lua script that auto deletes anything posted there
could also implement some kind of basic captcha
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Reply &*(&^%
Solarchan now includes a Matrix server!
Matrix is a federated, encrypted chat protocol like IRC or discord.
There are a variety of clients available for almost any platform, desktop or mobile.
Like email, you create an account with one homeserver but can communicate with users from any other homeserver.
If you already have a matrix account, join us in #chat:solarchan.club!
If you don't, get yourself a client and create a new account. You can use whichever homeserver you like, including solarchan.club.
>design of this website is pure shit
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I love it.
the colors hurt my eyes :/
>the colors hurt my eyes :/
You can use a browser extension like "Dark Reader" or "Dark Background and Light Text" to change the colors (and not just to a dark bg and light fg).
What I do though is subscribe to the feed and view everything in my feed reader with the style & formatting I like.
>Gun-toting youths watch over a street in a Rio de Janeiro slum hit hard by drug trafficking, but walk a bit further and this rough area also boasts the largest urban vegetable garden in Latin America.
>This success story is unfolding in a favela called Manguinhos in the north of Rio, and thrives as the rest of the country frets over rampant inflation and worries over Russian fertilizer, a major concern for Brazil's powerful agriculture sector.
>These days the garden feeds some 800 families a month with produce that is pesticide free and affordable, two features that do not always go hand in hand.
>This particular garden is the size of four football fields and every month it produces 2.5 tons of yuca, carrots, onions, cabbage and other vegetables.
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I like this thread. I've been reading about crispr. Coming into communication with the code that makes life seems really cool to me, and I think it could be a step toward permaculture and more difficult but more sustainable farming practices. But obviously it's also a tool for harmful GMO practices. What do you think of gene editing? Is it a healthy extension of normal breeding, cross pollination and etc techniques, or is it a pandora's box?
Has anyone stratified seeds before? I tried it a few years back. It's really rewarding when little trees start sprouting, but sadly I neglected my little trees while in college and they all died. ;_; maybe I'll try again, but I hear fruit trees from seed actually dont work that well.
IDK if it counts as urban farming, but there are a couple of apple trees in our garden.
The year we moved in they were overflowing with delicious, healthy apples, but I don't know how to look after them properly.
The last couple of years they've been rotting on the branch and getting eaten by worms.
I pruned the trees in January and there are maybe more apples than previous years, but they're still not too healthy.
Anyone have any tips for looking after them, preferably avoiding toxic chemicals?
I'm gonna give a sentiment that is pretty anti change, so I encourage argument against it cause I do want change towards better, gooder, nicer!
The thing is though... I don't think you should tear down systems that are doing something, until you've removed the need for doing that something, or created a better system for doing that something, in which case the original system should fade naturally. I think of this especially with respect to finance and governence.
I'm not certain some crypto currency will ever be better for the world than traditional finance, but I'm pretty sure one will. So the thing to do in this case would be to identify all the things old money is still doing better than crypto, and implementing things with crypto that to that thing better. Once crypto is doing everything old money did better, everyone will just want to switch. If it's done right, this will include people who supported banks, bankers, and hopefully even actors who use the existence of banks for malevolent actions. I wouldn't mind if that last category switched over begrudgingly.
Governance would be a bit more difficult. The thing governments do that is actually quite useful is the soliciting of "donations" (taxes) and distribution to public services. I'd like to see that replaced by, maybe something like paytreon tbh. Donations to public infrustruction maintainance. Donations to managing political relations with other parts of the world. Donations to public healthcare. Donations to education. People like making their lawns and gardens look nice, they should care about their roads and everything being nice as well, but you don't get out your ashfault paver on the weekend like you get out your lawn mower, you donate to road maintainance. Coupling this back to bragging rights would help. "Hey did you see the improvements to the old bridge? Yeah, I was one of the contributers to that!"
Because people ideally should like the things that their taxes go to. The government is supposed to represent the will of the people. If everything was online and volentary like that it should become more transparent.
One issue there would be the dynamics of public opinion and education... really people should be saying what things they care about and then teams work out the best strategies to achieve those things. It seems right now people say what strategies they care about, and thats probably a problem.
The bigger issue with creating something that does what governments do but better is that a bunch of what governments to is to manage the monopoly on violence... which is pretty unpleasant. I think what's really needed here are some really skilled game thorists to come up with incentive gradients that slowly remove violence from being a reasonable action. Maybe like how in the cold war nukes strongly implied mutual destruction, so neither the US nor the USSR wanted to do anything, but somehow and all levels. That's just an example though... the cold war was actually pretty scary. Hopefully actually skilled game theorists could come up with better and comfier strategies. The point is though, that the monopoly on violence right now is serving some purpose to some people, and that purpose needs to be made irrelevent, and then it should fade on it's own.
Using the past to work with the present to move to the future...
Of course I'm not sure how much sense that really makes and it sure is high level and hard to act on. What do you sunrise friends think?
please fix
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What seems to be the problem?